Elizabeth Taylor chama funeral de Michael Jackson de "circo"
Seg, 06 Jul, 11h42
Los Angeles (EUA), 6 jul (EFE).- A atriz Elizabeth Taylor assegurou hoje na internet que não está disposta a participar da homenagem pública a seu amigo íntimo Michael Jackson, por considerar o evento um "circo".
A vencedora de dois prêmios Oscar afirmou no Twitter que rejeitou o convite para fazer parte da grande cerimônia, que acontece nesta terça em Los Angeles, em honra a Michael.
"Me pediram que falasse no Staples Center. Não posso ser parte de um circo público. E não posso garantir que diria algo coerente", afirmou a artista, que era muito próxima ao "rei do pop".
"Não acho que Michael quisesse que compartilhasse minha dor com milhões de pessoas. Como me sinto, é algo entre nós, não um evento público. Disse que não iria ao Staples Center e certamente não quero chegar a fazer parte de isso. Amava-o demais", disse Elizabeth Taylor, de 77 anos.
A homenagem pública a Michael Jackson começará às 10h em Los Angeles (14h, Brasília). EFE
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My love goes out to Katherine and Michael's beloved children.about 17 hours ago from web
I said I wouldn't go to the Staples Center and I certainly don't want to become a part of it. I love him too much.about 17 hours ago from web
I just don't believe that Michael would want me to share my grief with millions of others. How I feel is between us. Not a public event.about 17 hours ago from web
And I cannot guarantee that I would be coherent to say a word.about 17 hours ago from web
I've been asked to speak at the Staples Center. I cannot be part of the public whoopla.about 17 hours ago from web
I will always love Michael from the depth of my being and nothing can separate us.8:29 PM Jul 5th from web
I am a survivor not only for myself, but for my family and for Michael too.8:28 PM Jul 5th from web
Although my grief over Michael could not be any deeper, I am not on suicide watch as some of the cheaper "rags" would have you believe.8:27 PM Jul 5th from web
I wanted you my friends to know that I'm going into the hospital Wednesday or Thursday to complete a test I was in the middle of.8:26 PM Jul 5th from web
I keep looking at the photo he gave me of himself which says, "To my true love Elizabeth, I love you forever." And I will love HIM forever.6:08 PM Jun 26th from web
I can't imagine life without him. But I guess with God's help I'll learn.6:06 PM Jun 26th from web
I don't think anyone knew how much we loved each other. The purest most giving love I've ever known. Oh god! I'm going to miss him.6:04 PM Jun 26th from web
It can't be so. He will live in my heart forever but it's not enough. My life feels so empty.6:01 PM Jun 26th from web
I was packing up my clothes to go to London for his opening when I heard the news. I still can't believe it. I don't want to believe it.6:00 PM Jun 26th from web
We had so much in common and we had such loving fun together.5:59 PM Jun 26th from web
My heart...my mind...are broken. I loved Michael with all my soul and I can't imagine life without him.5:57 PM Jun 26th from web
Dear Arnie, What have you been up to since you've been back? Twitter me back. All my love, Elizabeth5:58 PM Jun 22nd from web
I will never be able to thank my dear friend, Dr. Arnold Klein enough for the stunning drawing by Matisse.5:56 PM Jun 22nd from web
Dearest Elizabeth, You make the sun shine, the clouds move and the world spin. So many people love you and so do I. Love Always,______9:06 PM Jun 19th from web
Somebody I care for very much sent the following note to me with flowers and I wanted to share it with you.9:04 PM Jun 19th from web
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